The Heart of Mathematical Thinking

Este ejercicio se utiliza para la Semana de la Amistad

1 .Comprar dos(2) paquetes de dulces M&M,
 la actividad pide cajas de dulces en forna de corazón, eso es opcional.
2. Se pesan ambos paquetes de dulces, se hacen predicciones y lo actual.
3. Predice,  ¿cuántos dulces pueden  tener cada paquete?,  luego anota
    la cantidad real. NO TE LOS COMAS!!!
4. División por colores, luego de sepáralos compara con tus compañer@s
    ¿Cuántos hay de cada color? Utiliza la tabla ofrecida abajo y determinen
     el color que se repite con más frecuencia.

The Heart of Mathematical Thinking
By Laura Candler

This Valentine Hearts Investigation engages students in collecting data, making predictions, and graphing. Included are a student worksheet, student data chart, and a Smartboard example of student work.
  • Forr more information about Laura Candler's February and Winter Activities, visit Teaching Resources' Seasonal Activities page.

Valentine Hearts Investigation 

How similar and different are boxes of  
valentine heart candy?  Or M&M package?
In this investigation, we will study boxes of valentine heart candy to find out if this product 
is predictable. By examining boxes of candy, can you make reliable predictions about an 
unopened box of the same brand? Let's find out! Record data for one box of candy and 
compare the results with your classmates’ data.  
Part I - Box Weight 
1. How much does your box weigh in grams?    Prediction _____    Actual _____ 
2. On another piece of paper or using a computer, create a chart or graph of your class  
    results. Calculate and record the range, mode, median, and mean of the class data. 
Range _____        Mode _____        Median _____       Mean _____ 
3. Predict the weight of an unopened box of candy hearts. _______ 
4. Explain your prediction using the data you collected.  
Part 2 - Total Candies 
1. How many candies are in your box?    Prediction _____    Actual _____ 
2. On another piece of paper or using a computer, create a chart or graph of your class 
     results. Calculate and record the range, mode, median, and mean of the class data. 
Range _____        Mode _____        Median _____       Mean _____ 
Created by Laura Candler ~ Teaching Resources ~ www.lauracandler.com3. Predict the total number of candy hearts in an unopened box. _______ 
4. Explain your prediction using the data you collected.  
Part 3 - Color Variations 
1. Do all boxes of candy have the same number of each color? Make a tally chart of the 
number of candies in your own box and then create a graph of your results.  
2. Which type of graph did you choose to create? Why was this type of graph a good 
choice? Explain. 
3.  Compare your data with your classmates’ data. Which color occurs most frequently in 
      the entire data set? What patterns do you notice? 
Created by Laura Candler ~ Teaching Resources ~

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